Sweep Development

DBQ Sweep Policy & Procedures AusDBF National Sweep Modules AusDBF Sweep Information
AusDBF LMS access info AusDBF Course List AusDBF Education Plan


DBQ Sweeps Coordinator

Cathy Barnes - sweepcoordinator.dbq@gmail.com

Regional Sweep Coordinators

SEQLD - Heather Day, Kerry Seymour

Central QLD - Jenny Shapland - sweepcoordinator.cqld@gmail.com

NQLD - Lewis Fuller

Sweeps Corner - February 2025

All sweeps are encouraged to regularly review the rules of racing, especially if you are competing at the upcoming State and National Championships. The
Rules of Racing can be found on the AusDBF website tucked away under AusChamps tab.https://www.ausdbf.com.au/events1/auschamps
It’s a 76-page document but for 2K rules skip to page 51 and read through to page 61 where you will find clear explanations and examples, including the list of
time penalties. The introduction of corridors on the turns has given officials better visibility for deciding which boat has maintained its line or which boat
loses its right of way if going off course. 

There is a great deal of responsibility being a sweep. As captain of the boat you are in charge and responsible for the safety of your crew.
If you are participating in racing over the next few weeks, please heed the following:
1. Know your rules
2. Ensure that your boat is loaded and unloaded safely, balanced for weight and that PFDs are worn by the steerer, drummer and any person that
cannot swim 50m or is aged less than 18 years.
3. If at the start line a Sweep is not ready or experiences a problem, when the starter calls ‘Are you ready’ the drummer must hold a hand straight
up in the air and keep it up until the Starter has acknowledged the drummer. (refer to rule R6.6- 6.8)
4. Sweeps must maintain a straight line down the middle of the marked course for 500m and 200m races, leaving two metres of clear water between
the paddles of adjacent boats. If you deviate from your course into another lane or do not provide clear water and impede another boat, time
penalties may be applied.
5. All sweeps are responsible for avoiding collisions. If a collision is imminent stop your boat immediately and ensure the safety of your paddlers. Failure to stop can result in disqualification (R7.7).

6. Sweeps are to keep their crews calm and balanced once the race has finished. This is whencapsizes can and often do occur.
7. If a crew member is lost overboard or there is anemergency, the drummer or another nominated person should enact the Distress Signal – refer to
8. In the case of a capsize, the Sweep is to follow capsize procedures (AusDBF Sweep Guidelines V13) We all agree it is good for the sport to support new
and/or small clubs if they are short of sweeps to enable training for that club. The club is usually a member of DBQ and so will be covered by insurance
should an incident occur. However, if sweeping for a group which has not aô€†¯iliated itself with DBQ it should be noted that you will fall under Queensland
State Maritime Law which was updated December 2024, please update yourselves with this information.

State Champs - Pontoon starts
Fixed pontoons will be in place for the 500m and 200m races at the State Championships on 22 and 23 March. All sweeps should practice with their crews
approaching a pontoon in reverse to achieve correct positioning and alignment. Any fixed structure in the water such as a marina berth, jetty or pylon can be
used for practice, providing it is safe. There will be an opportunity for sweeps to attend a tutorial on pontoon starts to be held on Friday 21 March from 9.30am, before the opening ceremony and 2km races get underway. Places will be limited and preference given to sweeps that are not experienced with pontoon starts. An email will be sent out very shortly by DBQ.

AUSDBF have finally had this clarified after considerable discussion with all State Sweep Coordinators concerning the annual renewal of CPR.
CPR Refresher Training is no longer required annually, however it must still be obtained every three (3) years as part of First Aid Training (re-certification). You will
still receive an annual notification from RevSport for CPR renewal, but you can ignore this reminder.

Lisa Hofman                                                Dragon Boat Pumicestone
Jason Loong                                                Brisbane Typhoon
Sean Xu                                                        Brisbane Typhoon
Simon Jones                                               Manly Dragon Boat Club
Andrew Howarth                                        Redland Sea Dragons
Nelson Jones                                             Coomera Dragons

Please note that all sweep accreditations, including new applications and renewals, must be sent to your area sweep coordinator or sweepcoordinator.dbq@gmail.com for collating and approval which will then be sent to AusDBF. If you submit information directly to AusDBF, it will be sent
back to QLD for approval.

Sweeps/Drummers Course – Townsville, Saturday 31
May 09.00-15.00
Sweeps/Drummers Course – Gold Coast, date to be


Happy Sweeping everyone.
Cathy Barnes
QLD State Sweep Coordinator


    Sweeps Corner February 25
Sweeps Corner October 24 Sweeps Corner August 24 Sweeps Corner July 24